Transform Your Guests’ Lives Through Authentic Wellness Experiences

Consulting services based on comprehensive wellness criteria for new build properties, renovation projects and existing hotels to consistently and effectively meet the demand of wellness-focus travelers.

Who We Are

WITT is the leading wellness brand that sets a foundation for wellness services, products, amenities and practices in the hospitality industry. Customization guarantees an alignment with the evolving preferences of travelers seeking wellness. 

Our nine-step process, from the initial assessment to the prestigious WITT Certificated seal, ensures a seamless journey toward achieving wellness excellence at its core.

What We Do

WITT wellness consulting services assists developers, owners, management companies, brands, architects and designers to deliver an authentic wellness experience to wellness-focus travelers and successfully stay on track of ever-evolving demand.
The consultation services are based on the WITT Wellness Brand Standards. After understanding the property's unique needs and obtaining the necessary data, WITT begins the consultation process that is embedded into every phase of the project. Our consultation services are adaptable because they can commence at any phase from conceptualization to project completion. For new build and renovation projects, it is highly recommended to begin consultation prior to the official start of the project. This ensures no steps are missed for the property to successfully meet the Wellness Brand Standards and seamlessly certify for the wellness certification. The team offers follow-up services to help properties finalize implementation of any outstanding services, practices and programs.

How It Works

Our nine-step process, from the initial assessment to the prestigious WITT Certificated seal, ensures a seamless journey toward achieving wellness excellence at its core. After understanding the unique requirements of the property and gathering essential data, we initiate a comprehensive and customized consultation process integrated into every stage of the project development. Our consulting services are adaptable, commencing at any phase from conceptualization to project completion.  Whether initiating new properties or renovations, an early engagement is recommended to ensure a seamless alignment with the Wellness Standards by WITT and guaranteeing  a successful path to becoming WITT Certified.

Our Nine-Step Consultation Process

  • During the assessment and discovery process, the WITT team gains overall understanding of your vision and then makes recommendations based on five key criteria: healthy eating, holistic healing, nature, movement and sustainability. The process of the Wellness Brand Standards implementation meets the unique needs of your project and is recommended to begin the assessment and discovery phase during your hotel’s feasibility study. 

    Agenda for the Assessment and Discovery meeting:

    1. Brief introduction to the Wellness Brand Standards

    2. Explanation of consultation processes during the complete project

    3. Introduction to WITT purpose driven mission: social and environmental impact

    4. Understanding client’s project

    5. Preliminary questions for the client

    6. Recommendations based on the project data, needs and unique nuances in order to understand the necessary steps to meet the Wellness Brand Standard requirements

  • A proposal is prepared based on the initial assessment and discovery consultation including analyzed data of a client’s unique needs and vision. The proposal presents the appropriate steps for implementation of the Wellness Brand Standards level that meets the client’s vision and property’s unique specifics. The team presents a schedule for each phase of the construction project starting from the conceptual phase through post-opening. Included are ongoing support after opening and ensuring the Wellness Brand Standards requirements are implemented properly.

  • The development of the Wellness Brand Standards begins during the conceptual phase of the project. Every property type, location, climate, needs and challenges are unique. Therefore, the Wellness Brand Standards might require exceptions. Exceptions to the brand standards are identified and established during this phase. The WITT team helps a client, architect and design team develop the wellness brand vision for the property. We ensure the inside and outside amenities, structural requirements for treatment services and products, land related structures, sustainability, practice and program criteria are identified and accounted for in order to meet the requirements of the wellness certification by WITT.

  • The strategic planning of the Wellness Brand Standards begins during the schematic  phase of the project. The WITT team performs an in-depth analysis of the overall project and recommends customized brand standards specifications for all five key criteria (healthy eating, holistic healing, nature, movement and sustainability: people & planet) which are to be reflected in the schematic design documents. The Strategic Brand Standards Planning is the beginning stage of implementing details with main focus on amenities, structural components and foundation.

  • The design development of the Wellness Brand Standards begins during the interior and technical design development phase of the project. The WITT team consults the design team on developing a well-equipped customized sustainable design for amenities, public spaces and rooms that promote and enhance well-being at every touch point of guests' experience.

  • During the brand standards implementation phase, a customized brand standards specification report, exceptions, requirements and outstanding criteria are documented and prepared for the property’s use prior to the construction phase. The WITT team assists with consultation virtual calls and performs on-site visits during the construction phase to ensure the Wellness Brand Standards requirements are being implemented.

  • The WITT team assists the property’s management to ensure that holistic services and treatments, sustainable programs and practices are implemented for the highest level of wellness experience and meet the Wellness Brand Standards requirements. WITT works closely with the operational team on recommending the appropriate menu, advising on qualifications for treatment professionals and consulting on sustainability aspects that were not addressed during the previous phases of the project. The WITT team assists the property to finalize the Wellness Brand Standards requirements for the opening phase of the project.

  • The WITT team consults and assists the property on a continual basis to ensure that design components, products, services, practices and programs are fully implemented and comply with the Wellness Brand Standards. The implementation and approvals of all required specifications are typically given a period of one year to be completed.

    Services include:

    1. Continual follow up: Help properties finalize any services, practices or programs; help maintain and improve the level of Wellness Brand Standards

    2. Co-Pilot: Ensures the design of the wellness component stays on track to enable certification at the end of the development

    3. Support: The WITT team will ensure that the design is compliant for the certification of the development

    4. Time: Approximately one year is given to implement all the services, programs and practices to meet the certification level to become WITT Certified. Within that year, WITT will assist the property with guidance and approvals to finish the certification

  • A final evaluation of the property is conducted on site to ensure that all criteria is met and then WITT Certified seal is awarded.
