Receive The Recognition Your Property Deserves

Earn The Highest Achievement In Wellness Tourism Accreditation

Leading Certification Body In Wellness Travel & Tourism

The Seal Travelers Trust

People will look for WITT Certified seal to trust that the hotels, resorts and retreats listed are committed to the highest standards of excellence in wellness travel.

Developed through rigorous research, the WITT certification standards span 100 criteria across five core wellness principles. These criteria reflect traveler demands and emerging trends.


Hospitality properties and brands that earn a WITT Certified seal exemplify a holistic approach to wellness. WITT Certified status is awarded following a thorough on-site evaluation that authenticates the property and verifies its wellness credibility.

  • Enrich

    Attract and gain loyalty with wellness travelers by ensuring an authentic experience.

  • Elevate

    Demonstrate a commitment to sustainability, nature and well-being to enhance your brand prestige.

  • Commit

    Show your property’s commitment to sustainable programs and local communities.

  • Partner

    Trust that WITT will work side-by-side with you on your evaluation journey and afterwards with marketing campaigns.

  • Learn

    Hear about wellness offerings and get our expertise on how to implement wellness programs.

  • Support

    Receive ongoing support from the WITT team and gain access to a like-minded community.

Why Impact Matters

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Impact

Feature your commitment to ESG concerns through your certification. Our accurate and in-depth reporting tools communicate your impact achieved to stakeholders and travelers.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Alignment

Align with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) via WITT's promise of donating a portion generated by certifications to social and environmental charities.

As a WITT Certified Member, your property becomes part of a global community and you will gain access to an array of resources and benefits. These include a customized evaluation report, virtual welcome call, WITT Certified badge and digital assets, sustainable plaque and inclusion in WITT's global visibility & online directory.

WITT™ Wellness Certification For Hospitality Properties And Brands

    • From a women-owned B-corp manufacturer

    • Made from sustainable eco-friendly materials

    • WITT brand assets to communicate your property’s accreditation achievement in all digital & printed marketing and advertising initiatives

    • Website directory listing

    • Newsletter inclusion

    • Social Media channels

    • Other communication channels

  • A virtual call to welcome you to the WITT community includes:

    • A highlight of your key areas of excellence

    • Industry best practices

    • Our ongoing support

Certification Evaluation Criteria

Properties undergo evaluation in five key pillars of WITT Wellness Brand Standards to adequately and confidently be designated as WITT Certified.

Healthy Eating

Local ingredients, nutritious and innovative menus contribute to overall well-being. Travelere will know food options at your property meet a wide range of dietary and health needs. They will also expect attentive and knowledgeable service to fulfill their nourishing stay.

Holistic Healing

A welcoming and caring experience in service and atmosphere is a key component of a 360-degree holistic wellness journey. The decor, architecture, atmosphere and amenities at your property will promote a feeling of relaxation and comfort while stimulating all five senses.


A fitness routine can be maintained and even enhanced during a traveler’s stay. Meet the fitness needs of your guests with a fitness facility, indoor and outdoor spaces designed for a variety of activities, including fitness classes, leisure sports, and other recreational pursuits.


Your property exists in harmony with nature and these natural surroundings lift traveler’s experiences. Integrate with the surrounding beauty and offer outdoor programs and classes. Even if an urban property, nature can be accessed through green walls and roof gardens

Local Impact

Impactful sustainability practices attract the right guests to your property. Incorporate water saving measures, green materials and energy efficiency. Invest in local communities through the use of local ingredients, decorations and furnishings. We also look at your support of local organizations. Evaluation criteria includes: Post-use Program, Pre-use Program, Single-use Plastics, Operations, DEI, ESG, Community Engagement and Inclusion, Social and Environmental Impact.

Certification Steps

From the time of application, the certification process will take four-to-six weeks to complete.

  • 1. Inquiry

    Take the first step towards certification by setting up a 30 minutes complementary pre-assessment call.

  • 2. Assessment

    WITT will assess your property's current status, wellness offerings, goals, and readiness for certification. During the call, WITT will provide insights into the key criteria required for Wellness Certification. If your property's assessment meets the minimum requirements, the evaluation phase will begin.

  • 3. Virtual Evaluation

    A WITT certification expert will then audit your property virtually to better understand its wellness offerings and social and environmental impact initiatives.

    The expert will focus on our five core criteria and work with your management team to understand your challenges and goals. After approval, we’ll schedule an on-site visit.

  • 4. On-Site Verification

    Our WITT expert will finish your certification process by meeting your property’s team in person. We’ll confirm the accuracy of information gathered and ask for additional documentation on things like testimonials, charitable partner references and team diversity metrics. The expert will also stay to see your rooms, outlets, amenities and grounds.

  • 5. Rating/ Certification

    The WITT team will then complete a final review and report. If your property meets our wellness brand standards, you will receive a WITT Certified Seal! Congratulations! You’ll now receive access to all of your benefits. WITT certification is valid for three years.

How We Evaluate

Accurately measuring wellness offerings in hospitality for accreditation

After conducting a preliminary assessment, our team of professional and highly trained experts perform evaluation based on 100+ exacting wellness criteria, followed by an onsite verification visit. This evaluation is shaped by insights from industry stakeholders and the expectations of travelers. A comprehensive evaluation report, accompanied by photos, is then provided to highlight areas of excellence and opportunities for improvement.